Where we are

The Hotel Miraggio in Fregene is strategically located in the Municipality of Fiumicino. It is only 15 minutes by car from the Leonardo da Vinci airport of Fiumicino and 20 minutes from the “Nuova Fiera di Roma”; Rome is easily reachable from the hotel by public transportation or by car.

Bus - Trains

Closest bus stop in Viale Sestri Levante
from/to Fiumicino Airport:
Cotral Bus – hourly.
Price from/to Roma:
- Cotral Bus- hourly. Cornelia terminus (Rome)
- 020 Bus – hourly. Maccarese train station.
Every 30 minutes there is a train to Rome


from/to Fiumicino Airport
from/to Rome Vaticano
from/to Maccarese Station
from/to Civitavecchia Harbour
For more information and prenotation: info@hotelmiraggio.it

Contact Form

This information is provided pursuant to article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 – Laws concerning the Protection of Personal Data.

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